Non Monogamy Flag

In recent years, the societal landscape has witnessed a gradual evolution in understanding and acceptance of diverse relationship structures. One such facet gaining recognition is non-monogamy, where individuals engage in consensually open relationships. As this alternative approach to romantic connections becomes more visible, a symbol has emerged to represent the non-monogamous community—the Non-Monogamy Flag. In this article, we will delve into the history, design, and symbolism of this colorful banner, exploring the vibrant tapestry it weaves within the broader context of relationship diversity.

The Origin of the Non-Monogamy Flag:

The Non-Monogamy Flag made its debut in 2017, designed by Thea de Gallier, an artist and writer based in the United Kingdom. Inspired by the success of flags representing other marginalized communities, de Gallier aimed to create a symbol that could unite and empower those who identify with non-monogamous relationship structures. The flag was introduced on social media platforms, and its reception was overwhelmingly positive, quickly gaining traction within the non-monogamous community.

Design and Colors:

The Non-Monogamy Flag is a horizontal tricolor, consisting of three equally sized stripes. Each color holds significance, representing various aspects of non-monogamous relationships.

  1. Blue: The top stripe is a vibrant shade of blue, symbolizing openness and honesty. In the context of non-monogamy, transparency and communication are paramount. Blue represents the clear communication that individuals in open relationships strive to maintain with their partners, fostering trust and understanding.
  2. Red: The middle stripe is a bold red, embodying love and passion. Non-monogamous relationships are built on the premise that love is not a finite resource but can be shared and experienced with multiple individuals simultaneously. The red stripe celebrates the diverse expressions of love within these relationships, whether romantic, platonic, or otherwise.
  3. Black: The bottom stripe is a deep black, signifying solidarity and strength. This color represents the challenges and prejudices faced by those in non-monogamous relationships, acknowledging the resilience required to navigate societal norms. The black stripe is a reminder that individuals within the non-monogamous community stand together in the face of judgment and stigma.

Symbolism and Representation:

The Non-Monogamy Flag serves as a powerful symbol of visibility and recognition for a community that has historically existed on the fringes of societal acceptance. It provides a platform for individuals to proudly express their identity and challenge the stereotypes surrounding non-monogamous relationships.

The flag is not only a visual representation but also a tool for fostering inclusivity and understanding. By proudly displaying the Non-Monogamy Flag, individuals communicate their commitment to open communication, love in all its forms, and the resilience needed to navigate societal expectations.

The Role of Flags in Identity:

Flags have long played a crucial role in the LGBTQ+ community, serving as powerful symbols of identity, pride, and solidarity. The Non-Monogamy Flag follows in this tradition, offering a tangible representation for a community that has historically been marginalized and misunderstood.

Flags act as a unifying force, allowing individuals to connect with others who share similar experiences and values. They provide a sense of belonging and empowerment, helping break down the isolation that can come with non-traditional relationship structures. The Non-Monogamy Flag, with its vibrant colors and meaningful symbolism, contributes to the broader tapestry of flags representing diverse identities and orientations.

Challenges and Controversies:

While the Non-Monogamy Flag has been embraced by many within the community, it has also sparked discussions and debates. Some argue that the flag lacks inclusivity and fails to represent the full spectrum of non-monogamous relationships. Critics point out that the design primarily caters to hierarchical non-monogamy, where there may be primary and secondary partners, potentially excluding those who practice non-hierarchical or solo polyamory.

In response to these critiques, some individuals within the non-monogamous community have proposed alternative flags or modifications to better capture the diversity of relationship structures. These conversations highlight the evolving nature of symbols and the challenges in creating a single, universally accepted representation for a community with such varied expressions.


The Non-Monogamy Flag stands as a colorful testament to the growing visibility and acceptance of diverse relationship structures. Its bold design and meaningful symbolism encapsulate the values of open communication, love in all its forms, and the strength required to navigate societal expectations. While debates over its inclusivity continue, the flag serves a vital purpose in providing a visual identity for a community that has long existed on the outskirts of societal norms.

As society continues to evolve and embrace a broader understanding of relationships, symbols like the Non-Monogamy Flag become essential in fostering understanding, acceptance, and solidarity. It is a beacon for those who seek to challenge the traditional narrative of monogamy, inviting conversations that contribute to a more inclusive and compassionate world for all.
